
Bikram Yoga Poses Chart


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What Is Yoga?
...alization of inner self satisfaction. For others it is a religion that the believers ought to follow.All of this statement makes it hard to really make a full realization of what yoga really is.So what exactly is yoga?Yoga goes far beyond just mere exercises full of awkward routines. Yoga is the union of mind, spirit and bod...more
Designing a Plan to Become a Yoga Teacher, Part 2
...ern who has purchased the Yoga teacher course. Make sure you get answers if you are “stuck” during your Yoga teacher internship.What are your goals in regard to your Yogic career? Plan long term and short term goals, but add your continuing education to both lists. At least, make it a point to read Yoga b...more
What Is Ashtanga Yoga?
...ds of human behaviorAhimsa: Non-violence Satya: Truthfulness Asteya: No stealing Brahmacharya: Celibacy Aparigraha: Non-covetousness or Envy or possessiveness2. Niyama - It reflects the disciplines one has to go through their human lifeShoucha - Purity Santosh - Contentment Tapa - Endurance Swadhyaya- Self study Eshwar Pranidhan- Dedication towards ...more
How Yoga Works for Weight Loss
...n. This means that you tend to put more energy and movement into your day rather than sitting around feeling exhausted. And you build flexibility in your muscles and joints so that you enjoy a full range of movement your whole life. Witness the difference between the movements of a young girl and a stiff 80 year old woman. The young girl is bound to move so much more because mus...more
Yoga is Like Sex
...foldment. The symbol of yoga is the Thousand Petaled Lotus that keeps opening its petals deeper and deeper toward its center. Every time you do a pose, it will be a bit different, you'll do it at a different level and from a different place within yourself. Allow for those changes and patiently let yoga bring you to deeper levels of each pose as time ...more


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