
Organic Cotton Yoga Mat Bags


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Mistaking Our Identity
...t needs to find a permanent home in the back of the tool shed, to be dusted off only occasionally.Take a truly honest inventory of your toolbox! Acknowledge that everything there once served you beautifully, and should be honored as such. Shedding some of those old tools may leave you feeling lighter, less burdened, and open to ne...more
Universal Principles of Yoga: The Law of Karma
..., we had Mohandas Gandhi, Anwar Sadat, and Martin Luther King, Jr,. as famous examples of Karma Yogis. Each man practiced a different religion.In the words of Mohandas Ghandi: “Gentleness, self-sacrifice, and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.”Throughout time, inspirational religious leaders have referred to self...more
History of Yoga
...nessed a renaissance of yoga that caused a globalization of this ancient tradition. Modern approaches to yoga have created a clear delineation between the Hindu religion and the practice of yoga. Through the practice of yoga, an individual can gain information about physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.Over the long...more
Yoga - A Cure For Modern Day Stresses
...reat amount of tension when we are stressed and this really builds up over time and can sometimes lead to chronic physical and psychological conditions. Do not worry, yoga can help!Yoga helps to release the build up of tension in our bodies. As we let go of these blockages, we also do in mind and spirit. The benefits of yoga include increased body awaren...more
Who Me, Yoga?
...e the youngest were in their early twenties, ranging upwards to the early fifties.We were given mats, and our instructor informed us that her mother, a senior citizen had become interested in, and was practicing yoga.The lights were dim, the mood very relaxed. We sat in comforable positions and repeated three times the famous "auuum" chant. Thi...more


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