
55cm Yoga Ball


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Want A Great Meeting? Consider Laughter!
...d you know there are over 5500 laughter clubs around the world in over 50 countries? After September 11th, 2001, people just want to laugh more. Our country and world certainly have changed after that tragic and eventful day.Many meeting planners are requesting that even some of the more serious topics have some more humor and levity to them. If you are asking people to attend a 2-3 d...more
Coping With Pregnancy Back Pain
... of yoga will make the body of the pregnant woman healthy and strong. Still, the woman should consult a professional yoga teacher to know the safe and helpful asanas for her during the pregnancy. Many special maternity classes are conducted by the yoga professionals to teach yoga postures which are beneficial and easy to practice during pregnancy. Reportedly such exercise...more
Could a Blind Man Become a Yoga Teacher?
...ort tour of what it feels like to be blind, close your eyes, and within minutes your other senses will improve. Did you ever notice your hearing improves, when you try to meditate? Try to move around without opening your eyes, but use caution.When you shut off one of your senses, the rest of your senses will become sharper, as a result of your “handicap.” A blind Yoga teacher will...more
Yoga Myth - Yoga is Not a Spiritual Practice
...and spiritual, planes of existence are developed as we age. The same is true within Yoga practice. As we continue to practice, and the years go by, we begin to realize the many benefits, which are not physical.If we practice Yoga for decades, we are at peace with ourselves and our surroundings. The many benefits of Yoga are not visible to the human eye. If a perso...more
Yoga, Is It For You? Some Of Your Questions Answered
...ordination, balance, strength and a general feeling of well being, will all have improved.No matter your age, fitness level or health, you can take up yoga and start feeling the benefits almost straight away. You can practice yoga in your own home or go to a class. Going to a class may suit you, as having other people and an instructor is what ...more


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