
Ball Fitness Yoga


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Yoga and the Mind/Body Connection
...actions of the parasympathetic system, allowing relaxation and healing. The breathing meditations practiced in Yoga encourage the parasympathetic nervous system.Yoga encourages the mind to calm itself as well. By concentrating on breathing, your mind doesn’t wander, and it is encouraged to stay connected to the body, in the now. The more we daydream and reminisce, the less our mind i...more
Yoga for Mind - Body and Spirit
...i she would never have dreamed of embracing this oriental exercise system. Now she participates in a class in her hometown and feels the regimen gets easier each time she returns to Thailand.Yoga is a ‘Sanskrit’ word and it means ‘joining or uniting’. But joining or uniting with what? Gavin Flood defines the practice as “technologies or disciplines of ascetici...more
Yoga Instructor Training Aspects - Yoga Class Priorities
...about themselves after leaving our classes. If Yoga teachers appear impossible to please, dedicated students will find a different place to practice.Therefore, one of the guidelines every Yoga teacher should remember is to encourage students to achieve their personal best, but never discourage them. Always be prepared to create a modification. This will be enough to help a stud...more
Easing Stress Naturally - Practice Yoga
...stive, the endocrine and the nervous systems.This series of poses or postures exert their beneficial effects by slowing down mental activities and gently stretching the bodies and massaging the internal organs. The vibrant serenity resulting from the practice is relaxing and rejuvenating at the same time. It elevates us from the daily stressors that plague our lives. Regular daily practi...more
Yoga Bolster An Equipment To Better Your Yoga
... It clears and opens your mind and soul by doing some of these poses.These bolsters come in different variety of sizes and shapes to give that extra strength and support. The bolsters are mostly placed under knees, ankles or neck, which helps to alleviate the muscle strain. It can also be used in different styles depending on the various yoga poses. These...more


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