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Niche Marketing - Three Successful Business Models
...he same account.Niche Business Model Two - The NetworkThis model is similar to the one we covered above, but in this case you have a series of mini-sites all focusing on a main niche theme. Each mini-site is targeted at a different sub-niche within the main theme and each site islinked to the others to produce a network. If this soun...more
Three Branding Lessons I Learned From Inside the Yoga Temple
...the group is doing but based on how far they can go that day. This requires really listening to your inner voice, honoring where you're at and not imposing preconceived judgments on yourself.In business, instead of moving at the pace of the pack, or making decisions based on what others are doing (or not doing), develop a strategy that honors your brand statement. When you are clear on...more
How To Begin Practicing Yoga
...but have it before and after.DON'T wear shoes or socks during class.The DosDO let the teacher know that it's your first class (you might not be the only one).DO not hesitate to seek for instructor's help if you need it.DO look around and follow what other students are doing, particularly if the teacher does not demonstrate every pose. However...more
Yoga Has Gone Mainstream in a Big Way
...s a form of exercising which only the extremely limber would attempt, yoga has been given new life with many new forms arriving in a neighborhood class near you.You don’t even have to study Indian spirituality, become a vegetarian or burn incense to become a devout follower. It does, however, help to have a desire to ...more
Natural Remedy for Arthritis
... that have the power to bring down arthritis pain. The effect of the oils depends primarily on your body type.Narayana oil removes stiffness and improves mobility at limbs and is especially beneficial in reducing backache, sprains and joint pains.If Sahacharadi oil doesn't reduce the pain considerably in 24 hours of first massage, discontinue the application. If your body responds favorably ...more


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