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Yoga in Practice: World Peace
...Yoga students want to leave the world outside the ashram, but meditating on world peace is acceptable. If Yoga students think of world peace, they might also envision complete freedom from ignorance. Interestingly, this is what many of us think heaven will be like.We may not be able to create heaven on earth, but we can make small improvements. Therefore, world peace must start on the small s...more
Coping Strategies - Yoga For Menopause Relief
...for menopause - not least because menopause represents a stage of life, rather than an illness. A woman's experience during menopause is completely individual, and yoga is not specific like the drugs of modern medicine. There is no one set series of postures that thus make up a 'remedy' for the symptoms of perimenopause.Y...more
Yoga Breathing Exercise Fundamentals
... and that there are many aspects of life that pull apart our inner harmony. Yoga breathing exercise is one of the basic fundamental techniques we can use to control and even eliminate the impact external forces have on our overall health and well-being.Take our fight or flight response as one example. The instinctual fi...more
What is Self Mastery? - Part 2
...ou to be depressed, you can’t stick with it, due to your mental health. However, that doesn’t justify a “junk food” diet.So where do you start? Look at your diet now and make moderate adjustments. Don’t get pulled into a “fad diet” that insults your intelligence and causes rapid weight loss. Most clients gain all that weight back, a...more
Tips On Getting The Most Out Of Corpse Pose In Yoga
...tion of the rest of the body. If you tend to breathe through your chest habitually, you should avoid this type of breathing, as you will tend to have a restricted type of thoracic breathing that is counterproductive to the aims of yoga generally, and corpse pose particularly.Breathing through the abdomen during shavasana should...more


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