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Another Reason to Get to Your Nearest Yoga Class
...n 101 adults who showed symptoms of metabolic syndrome. In the study, 55 adults received three months of regular yoga including standard stress management yoga postures and a form of transcendental meditation daily. During that time they continued to receive their standard care.The results show that yoga is anti aging and benef...more
Yoga - A Philosophy Of Body And Mind
...cus to my tasks for the day. I even began to feel more productive. That is just one testimony from my own personal experience, but mine is by far not the only testimony of gratitude.This is truly an art form of exercise that is much more than a fad. In whatever manner current yoga students, teachers etc. happened to stumble upon the wonderful philosophy of yoga - the philosophy...more
Prenatal Yoga
...r as you get ready for your baby.Yoga teaches you how to stretch gently and it also teaches you special breathing techniques that you will use while you are in labor.Breathing is very important and sometimes women hold their breaths when they experience pain. It's a natural reaction but they need to catch themselves and focus on breathing. That is where yoga comes...more
What is Ashtanga Yoga and is it Right For You?
...ted by nature, which by analogy could be substituted by the word "God". As it is safe to suppose that God is perfect, so it would be safe to suppose that the creation of God, the mind, is also perfect. Again, by analogy, in order to get past the mind and bypass the ego it created, the candidate will have to be exceptionally well prepared if with his consciousness he is to look beyond th...more
Yoga Techniques each other or prepare the body for one another.1. PosturesThere are many different postures from easy to highly demanding. The essence is not to judge oneself, but to observe oneself. A less demanding posture, standing, sitting or lying executed with dedication is always more preferable and effective.2. Movem...more
