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Let's Take A Look At Some Of The More Common Branches Of Yoga
...pose, but they all tend to have one main purpose - to harmonize and identify the equilibrium between body and mind. Let's take a look at some of the more common branches of yoga.Hatha YogaOne of the main aims of hatha yoga is to increase your state of well being. It's considered to be a primary form of modern physical therapy. It teaches me...more
Are Yoga, Samadhi, and Universal Tolerance, Dangerous? believe that someone could claim that Samadhi is dangerous, unholy, and counter productive? Samadhi is the eighth limb of Yoga. There are different degrees and types of Samadhi, but all of them require a state of meditative absorption.It never ceases to amaze me how often meditation has been perceived as an evil practice, when meditation has been practiced by religious leader...more
The Diamond Pose - An Essential for the Yoga Beginner
...his relieves heaviness in stomach and improves digestion.3. Vajrasana is a very important meditation posture, as we can sit with an erect spine comfortably for a long time. This is a very good pose for people suffering from sciatica and sacral infections.Here's how to get into this simple pose.TechniquesSit on the floor with legs stretched forw...more
The Link Between Yoga, Mindfulness, and Weight Loss (Part 2)
...ting and breathing at mealtime. You should not be short of breath while eating. If you are, you make eating into a stressful situation. You learn to breathe in Yoga class, and you should continue proper breath control at every possible moment.If you work in a company that doesn’t allow time for eating, eat small nutritionally dense snacks, and look for ...more
How to Use Yoga to Alleviate Stress
...ngth, flexibility, grace.Yoga helps to unlock and release tensions before they can accumulate over time and become chronic physical and psychological conditions. As we release physical blockages, toxins, and limitations from the body we also do so in mind, spirit, and emotions.The Specific Poses Recommended will be the-Sun Salutations-The ShoulderStand-The Corpse PoseThese three in part...more


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