
Yoga Zone Flexibility Tone Books


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Chair Yoga Case Study - Improved Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
...hat calm state home with me when I leave class. I have developed lasting friendships with the others in the class. Liz has also helped me design my own “yoga break” that I can do at my desk to relieve stress at work. My carpal tunnel syndrome has also improved, and I believe I have increased my range of mot...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Methods for Focus, Concentration, and Tranquility
...them every day. Most people do not talk to them because of an internal fear of poverty. They are the “untouchables,” which exist in all societies. Poverty is something that most of us do not want to take an in-depth look at. Even those of us who rise from poverty can “forget our roots.”The truth is, we should all count our blessings for what we have. If we...more
The Physical And Mental Exhileration Of Practising Yoga
...e, which is a rejuvenating stretch. A few of the benefits of this pose are that it calms the brain and helps relieve stress, energizing the body as well as it stretches the shoulders, calves, arches, and hands.Extended Sides Angle Pose - Utthita Parsvakonasana Extended Sides Angle Pose is used to create a stretch along the top side of the body, from the back heel through the raised arm. The nee...more
Pregnancy and Yoga - Should You or Shouldn't You? yoga sessions will eat up a lot of calories.3. Some poses will not be appropriate for you the further along you become in your pregnancy. Some may even be harmful. Stop doing the poses that require good balance. That means, no positions that have your head way below your feet. If you fall, you could hurt yourself and your child. Also, you will be moving more slowly when you are tr...more
Maybe Bikram is Right? interview, I must concede that he snatched the lime light with exuberance and now I know why some love him, while others don’t feel so warm and furry about him.I laughed at his rhetoric, equally, as much as watching Jerry Seinfeld or Ray Ramano, do a stand up comedy routine. The man is pure entertainment and he has a point.In reference to his style of yoga, he said “ I don’t sell cheesecake, y...more


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