
Affa Yoga Certification


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Will Yoga Improve My Personality?
...say, it will tone your muscles, make your body more supple and likely decrease any chronic pains you may experience. A toned body will also increase your self-esteem because you know you are taking better care of yourself.Secondly, adding regular meditation to your practice by making it part of your yoga practice will c...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Lowering Stress Levels, back, and stomach aches, anxiety, trembling, vomiting, panic attacks, fainting, and worse.Yoga teachers are equipped with many techniques to alleviate stress. Pranayama, mantra, japa, asana, meditation, mudra, proper diet, and relaxation, are useful aspects of the nine traditional branches of Indian Yoga. Coincidentally, all of these ...more
The Link Between Yoga, Mindfulness, and Weight Loss (Part 1)
...ous about practicing on a regular basis, this is a lifestyle change. Burning over 200 calories per hour in a gentle or Restorative Yoga class is not the foundation of weight control. Most Yoga students engage in some form of cross training.Many of them walk, take other fitness classes, and are conscious of what they eat. Being mindful of what you ...more
Health Treatment Through Yoga
...ncludes several postures of body either standing or lying down in different ways in order to make the muscles and body parts press and relax. Meditation is of the most used and tested way of treating several mental problems including stress. In meditation there is a concentration equilibrium maintained between body and mind and the stage comes when an individual feels ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Is a Hatha Yoga Teacher a Karma Yogi?
...ore consumerism and self-absorption give way to the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. Unfortunately, this is another example of evolution that we have to wait for. Humankind needs time to “grow up.”However, when any Hatha Yoga teacher answered the calling to teach Yoga, it was not because of the money. If money is the prime motivating force behind teaching Yoga, this type of Yoga ...more


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