
Certification Postnatal Prenatal Yoga 20


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Certification Postnatal Prenatal Yoga 20 Information


Pilates vs Yoga similarities, the state of confusion is actually quite understandable, until you look beyond the surface.There is actually quite a considerable amount of differences between the two ancient arts of meditation and exercise. Ancient documents tell us that yoga likely began in South Asia while Pilates was created in Germany, a totally di...more
Aquaexercise for All
...the water causes you to exercise. The continual water pressure that pushes against you while you move makes you push out harder to continue movement. Water exercise is natural resistance training as there is continual resistance to each move you make, creating stronger muscles. Water activities like aqua aerobics, bench stepping, deep water running and kick boxin...more
Mistaking Our Identity
... we are.All the things we do in our lives, our occupations and hobbies and practices, are simply tools through which we express ourselves, expand ourselves, discover ourselves. They are not who we are. It stands to reason that we should take inventory from time to time: “Is this tool still serving me as the most appropriate expression of who I am today?” Maybe the ...more
The Westernization of Yoga or Why Stretching & Flexibility is Not Yoga
...alls short. Most instruction is only in the placement of the various body parts. And while it is true, that the flow of one’s Prana will be influenced by where one’s body parts are in relation to each other; this is also low level Yoga. The flow of one’s Prana should be directly regulated and controlled by one’s mind. Of the Yoga ...more
Your Mental Energy Sphere - Book Review
...orld of writing, as this is his 16th publication. The main focus of all of Shyam’s work is helping others to find happiness in their lives and within themselves. Dedicating his life to what he believes in, Shyam is currently the founder and operator of the Loving Heart Center and an informative website where Bhaki Yoga or Karma Yoga is taught.Your Mental Energy Sphere is his latest...more


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