
Yoga Certification Thunder Bay Canada


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Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Yoga Posture – Standing Forward Bend
...s. As a result the inversion increases vitality and concentration, and develops equilibrium in the body. As you practice this posture the abdominal muscles and organs are toned and stimulated, giving relief to constipation. It also improves metabolism and circulation to the thyroid glands. People with good hip flexibility will find this asana relaxing and...more
Why Yoga For Kids is Good
...enefits both physical and mental. It seems only logical that, as adults, we should pass these benefits on to our children.We read daily about youngsters becoming stressed and anxious because of pressures within the education system (exams, extra curricular activities, competition, etc) and also social and peer pressures. If your children seem to be suffering in this way then...more
The Second Chakra, The Dwelling Place of the Self, we are cool headed and vibrant at the same time. With a balance in the lower chakras, especially the root chakra and second chakra, we are connected to our creativity and focus.When there is a deficiency in the second chakra some of the signs are:¥ Fear of touch;¥ Resistance to change;¥ Disassociation with the SelfWhen there is a surplus or blockage in the second chakra so...more
Exercise For Golf Fitness golf may also focus on yoga and its benefits. Many agree that yoga can help a golfer in the areas of hip flexibility, posture, and torso rotation. It can improve coordination as well. Other experts also cite the relaxing nature of yoga as an asset to a golfer during a game because it can place him in a more focused an...more
How to Shift Gears, Change Careers, and Become a Yoga Teacher, Part 1
... want. Here is a formula, and sequence of events, for you to consider: Focus, action, plan, envision, pace yourself, and goal realization.Focus: It seems like you already are focused on becoming a Yoga teacher, but you should do some research on what teaching Yoga is really like. The types of Yoga teacher training courses will vary, according to style, h...more


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