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Gentlemen, Guys Actually Do Yoga
...d Yoga (just like Sting, Quincy Jones and Woody Harrelson), it further increased my belief that in no time perhaps NOT practicing Yoga will be seen as strange.Okay, maybe I overstated that, however, for Simmons (someone viewed as a pioneer in such a masculine and testosterone driven lifestyle known as Hi...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Peacefully Co-Existing With Others yourself first. This is a very big step, but forgive others next; otherwise, you will become a prisoner to hate - and worse.Pray: Talk to God and you will not be disappointed. Open your heart and your mind to God in prayer and meditation. Bhakti Yoga is the Yoga of devotion to God, which is no small matter.Since the beginning, a...more
Types Of Yoga
...s to promote increased flexibility. Because of how it is practiced, it is often referred to as "hot yoga".Iyengar yoga is a body-focused style that concentrates on balance. It requires you to actually balance physically but also stresses balancing your breathe.Vinyasa yoga is a body-focused style that focuses on ...more
Allergies - Yoga and Lifestyle
...cing the allergy symptoms by tempering the immune system's response to the offender.a) Practicing yoga posture in a relaxing way with slow deep breathing relaxes the nervous system is beneficial in fighting allergies.** Kapalabhati breathing is great for allergies as it forces out the mucus.** Standing poses-forward and backward bends, and twists tends to massage vario...more
Power of Yoga
...dly get externally stimulated during our entire lifetime. This stimulation and massage is beneficial in that it protects us form potential diseases, and even forewarns the body of likely attacks.One very power of yoga or benefit of yoga is the unique sense of awareness that it develops in the practitioner of an impending health disorder or infection which allows one to take corrective action immed...more


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