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Tantric Yoga Positions
... it is also a principle of life. The practice can be found on different beliefs and ideas, such as Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and even the New Age Movement.Tantric yoga positions and the practice itself also consider our universe as an expression of either the Cosmic Mother (Shakti), the Spirit, or even the life force, depending on what faith or religion...more
What is Yoga?
...stem of exercise that creates a healthy mind, body and spirit. Breathing, meditation, healthy eating, and positive thinking are just some of the activities that have a beneficial effect on people that perform yoga. Yoga brings emotional and physical health together that causes a very powerful response....more
Universal Principles of Yoga: Forgiveness
... mystery. Is Yoga a threat to any of today’s Western religions or is it a compliment? Let’s take a close look at the component of forgiveness and see how the teachings of Yoga will improve your life for the best, regardless of your religion.Why is it so hard for people to forgive themselves or others? It is...more
Tips For Stress Relief - Solid Advice For Harmony And Relaxation is easier to get stressed, it need not be more stressful for you if you know how to prepare yourself - learn more in this article.There were times when my blood used to feel like it was actually boiling inside me. Don't ask me how but somehow I just knew that it was doing me physical damage. Years later, I can now look ba...more
Yoga Practice Tips
...tice yoga daily so you become accommodated to it until it becomes almost second nature.Firstly however, you must be sure you can find the dedication and motivation within yourself to embark on your yoga journey. Completing this step first will ensure a higher success rate and continued growth with your yoga experience. Be sure in y...more


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