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Yoga Alignment Methods for Insomnia Solutions
...ot have to be over 40 years of age to experience insomnia, stress, and worry, but problems commonly seem to pile up at this point in life. Therefore, the following methods could be used by anyone, of any age, to prevent or to deal with bouts of insomnia.Look at your sleeping posture, as closely as you would an Asana (Yoga posture), in a Hath...more
Niche Marketing - Three Successful Business Models
...i-site B to A and C etc. Drive targeted traffic to the sites. Keep adding more sub-niche mini-sites and linking.As with the Mini-Site model this is relatively quick and easy to set up, though it does require a little more work to establish the cross-linking of all the sites. But there is an added advantage here that the reciprocal linki...more
Understanding Patanjali's Yoga Sutras - 16-18
...should reflect on the Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Patanjali. Perhaps, beginner students will not gain much from them, without the guidance of a Guru, but an experienced Yoga teacher should be able to transcend the physical plane of Hatha Yoga practice.Remember that Asana (posture) practice is the third of the eight limbs of Yoga. Asana practice is ve...more
The Many Forms Of Yoga
... long periods of time. There are also many props that will be used in an Iyengar course (blankets, blocks, straps), and these courses are highly addictive. As you can see, there are many sorts of yoga that you can easily take part in.What are the different types of yoga not mentioned here? Well, there are many. The fact is...more
How could a Shy Person Become a Yoga Teacher?
... a Yoga teacher. This evolution of personality knows no boundaries. Most Yoga teachers are very confident and make the most out of enjoying life to its fullest potential every day.To be honest, I was nervous when I taught my first Yoga class. I never thought I would be a public speaker, and I never considered that I ...more
