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Teaching Hatha Yoga - Physical Benefits of Yoga Practice
...quires oxygen to metabolize glucose, in exchange for energy, is aerobic. With that said, no one usually questions the benefits of strength, balance, and flexibility from Yogic exercise, especially if they witness a room full of women over 50, who can balance their body weight on two hands in bakasana (also known as crane or crow pose).The postures (asanas) are designed to massage internal organs,...more
Yoga And Pregnancy
...ace that can be discovered through yoga.The hormonal changes that took place during and after the pregnancy shook me…more like threw me for a few loops. Instead of checking into a loony bin or hitting my husband, I hit the mat –with and without my babe – and breathe. Interestingly, I experienced profound sh...more
IBS Treatments
...high rate of success and helps in reducing tension and anxiety. Gut-directed or gut-specific hypnotherapy is also available. Yoga is another way of relieving tension. It is a widely accepted fact that yoga helps to fight depression that often accompanies IBS. In fact, there are specific yoga postures that assist in digestion.There...more
Karmic Yoga Where You Are
...orld in a sacred manner to be the embodiment of love, like the One that many call God, and to help uplift the whole world. Many people go far away from home to do Karmic Yoga. They feed the poor in third world countries, or they build houses there, or serve as health care practitioners where there aren´t any resources. This is very helpful for those who are poor and in need, i...more
Yoga and Your Health can help you fulfil yourself both spiritually and can help you hone your physical self into the best you can be. Thus, the benefits of practicing it are three-fold; you will become spiritually enlightened in addition to enjoying the physical benefits of Yoga, which include improvement of both mind and body.First, ...more
