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Yoga Schools
...ngar, Ashtanga (also known as Power Yoga); Karma; Tantric Kundalini; Bikram; Hatha; Kundalini; Kripalu; Sivananda; Viniyoga; Dhyan; Raja-yoga; Bhakti-yoga; and Mantra-yoga.Yoga schools offer drop-in courses, as well as set course plans that range from ten classes to unlimited classes.Generally, before enrolling in yoga school classes, individuals should rese...more
Ayurveda, Yoga - Unique Indian Culture
...ght conduct towards oneself. Asana - Physical Postures. Pranayama - Control of the Breath. Pratyahara - Control of the Mind and Sense Organs. Dharana - Concentration and Control of the Attention. Dhyana - Meditation. Samadhi - Perfect Balance and Unification.AYURVEDA :Ayurveda , the science of life is not only the ancient science of preventative health and healing but also a p...more
Yoga Could Actually Help With Eating Disorders
...e include--The Sun Salutations Sequence-The Shoulder Stand Sequence (This friends is a reputed panacea or cure-all for most if not all human ailments)-The Bow Pose (A back bending exercise)-The Head to Knee Pose ( A forward bending exercise)-The Spinal Twist-The Peacock Pose-The Diamond Pose-The Triangle ...more
Yoga Instructor Certification Course - Why Registration Is Not Enough For New & Established Teachers
...ication course or is a teacher registration simply enough? This article will discuss the reason for taking your registration one step further and becoming a fully qualified yoga instructor.Here are the most common questions and answers related to yoga teacher credentials and regulations.Yoga trainer credentialing is relatively n...more
How to Become a Yoga Instructor - The Inside Story
...ilable. Not only do you get to enhance your own personal sense of joy and well-being, you also get to share your happiness with others. However you choose to prepare for this wonderful vocation, be sure to enjoy your training and development.In the United States, the Yoga Alliance is a nationally recognized organization that s...more


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