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How to Use Yoga to Alleviate Stress
...ions. As we release physical blockages, toxins, and limitations from the body we also do so in mind, spirit, and emotions.The Specific Poses Recommended will be the-Sun Salutations-The ShoulderStand-The Corpse PoseThese three in particular are often recommended in several drug-free fraternities as being THE poses of stress relief.So When next...more
Hatha Yoga 101
...centrated on breathing control and postures. However, on a bigger note, it is a holistic approach which generally includes physical exercises, moral values and meditation, if one would view it as a way of life. Since Hatha Yoga is one of the more popular forms of Yoga in the Western World, it has transformed and found for itself new definitions.It is said that the basic objective of Hath...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - The Eight Limbs and Student Advancement
... community.Now that you see this clearly, please be sure to make your students aware of it. There is nothing worse than an egotist, who represents Yoga. If a person is constantly talking about themselves, they usually end up alone. Granted, most people do like to talk about themselves, but a well-rounded Yoga curriculum should cover putting the ego in place.Instilling self-confidence in ...more
Yoga and Aging
...nt for practice or to “live in the moment?” Yoga teaches us to live right now as if it was our last day on earth.Since we are living at the moment, we must give our lives purpose, meaning, and not be afraid to take a chance. Never look back with regret on the life, spouse, or job you could have had - if you only took a chance.What is the worst that can h...more
Purpose of Yoga - From Thought to Action
...rpose, once you have found a purpose that is ethical, and gives you self-worth, you are on your way toward action. The next step is to develop a plan of action.Yet, your attitude must be programmed, with positive information, to constantly keep your dream alive. This is “attitude building time.” If you want to maintain a good attitude, you should consult with someone wh...more


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