
Yoga Cl Lexington Ma


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Are Yoga, Samadhi, and Universal Tolerance, Dangerous?
...d or read it, believed his words. Unfortunately, the world “paid the price,” for believing his words, during World War II.There are many good and kind politicians, but absolute power is very hard for the human mind, and the ego, to handle. There are so many hidden agendas, that a well-meaning politician could be smothered by them. ...more
Teaching Yoga for Teen Stress Management - It's a Matter of Perspective
... make a lot of money, sacrifice family time, and give up your personal life. After all, we have it better than any previous generation, right? I hope you see my point.Stress is different for all of us. A teenager may feel like the world is "caving in," when Mom and Dad get a divorce, peer pressure gets out of hand, or final exams are coming...more
Marketing 102
..., "Now that you bought a hamburger, would you like fries with that?". Sometimes it'll take a bit of sleuthing to find out what your group has in common - A club affiliation? A love of art? Restaurant? A Hobby? A type of car?Let's continue (from Marketing 101) our example of Janet, who makes earrings.Janet could join together with some of her fellow jewelry ma...more
Personal Trainer for Weight Loss? Try Yoga Instead
... learn to accept and honor yourself without the harsh "no pain, no gain" attitude.While a yoga practice can certainly help increase your tolerance for uncomfortable situations, it is strictly a "no pain, no pain" endeavor.3. Personal training does a great job of getting the weight off and building muscle, but it often does so at the expense of flexibility.Yoga allows you to lose...more
What Is Yoga - History and Origins
...Origins The popularization of yoga in the West by yoga schools influenced by the Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali (2nd century BC), have almost led to the origins of yoga being linked with Patanjali in the Western mind. In fact, the earliest illustration we have of yoga is from the Mohenjo-daro seals. Mohenj...more


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