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The Purpose of Yoga- Transforming Anxiety into Self-Mastery with Pranayama
...ourage of life threatening diseases. Have you ever noticed a co-worker who is out sick all the time? Unless that person loves to take time off, the odds are, that person has a low immunity level, due to excessive stress.Stress and anxiety can disrupt vital organs and their basic functions. Excessive stress can also cause psychological problems, which may be seen as...more
How to Become Regular in Your Yoga Practice
... and you feel like doing it. To get the true benefits from yoga you have to do it every day. So, free some space in your busy schedule and “reserve” this time for your practice of yoga and meditation.If you get up a bit earlier in the morning, then you will have a nice quiet time to do your yoga before the rest of your neighbors wake up. In the evening, do your ...more
Discover How Yoga Will Help You Reach Your Goals - Part 2
...t, all year long.So there is a style of Yoga for every person, and you should be aware of what you are getting into before you start. You should also be aware that the doors are not locked, and if 105 degrees is too much heat, it is your call.This past summer, in Arizona, a number of people died, due to excessive heat. If your body temperature reache...more
Introduction to the Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra System
... the head and there are seven main Chakras. Each of these Chakras govern the physical region where they are situated and also, are responsible for certain emotional and personality traits. As they are properly activated and energized by the correct flow of prana, the corresponding physical regions are rejuvenated and emotions of ...more
Yoga and Back Pain Relief
...e your back pain. A report in the December 2005 edition of the Annals of Internal Medicine indicated that Yoga might be a more effective exercise prescription for the relief of lower back pain than traditional strength, resistance and aerobic exercise programs.If back pain and joint issues have derailed your past fitness routines, learn about Yoga. The Gentle Yoga and ...more


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