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Yoga and the Mind/Body Connection
...e the actions of the parasympathetic system, allowing relaxation and healing. The breathing meditations practiced in Yoga encourage the parasympathetic nervous system.Yoga encourages the mind to calm itself as well. By concentrating on breathing, your mind doesn’t wander, and it is encouraged to stay connected to the body, in the now. The more we daydream a...more
Get Into Asana Twists For A Yoga-Calm Mind
...ngle with the hips. The pose will be held for between thirty seconds and a minute and with each outward breath we should aim to twist a little further towards our goal. Asana twists can be performed standing or sitting.One of the most popular asana twists is the spinal twist pose or Matsyendrasana, named a...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 1
...ght be, “Unity with what?” Yoga does help unify the mind and body, but it also unifies the spirit or soul within you with God. The soul is sometimes known as the “Atman” and can also be referred to as pure or true consciousness. Yoga is not a religion, but it can be practiced in harmony with any re...more
Yoga - Practices and History
...nvolves many subdivisions, but everyone would agree that "the path to enlightenment" is the best suited phrase for yoga.A common theme of yoga is the practice of concentration. The concentration is mainly focused on one point of sensation. When you sustain this "concentration" for a long enough period of time you will reach, what is called "meditation". Most m...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Cueing Insights
...e sake of your own Yoga students, please set an audio recorder at the far corner of the room you teach in. When you have time, listen to it. If you cannot hear anything, neither can your students.You can do this as an exercise or find a “coach,” who will empower you to speak up. An honest friend, Master Yoga teacher, or a P...more


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