
Yoga Booty Dvd


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Yoga, Diet, & Fitness - How Do They Relate?
...t least 8 cups of water daily. If you drink a glass of water before each meal, you will find that you will eat less. Try to have several small meals and snacks throughout the day, instead of having one or two big meals a day. This will help increase your metabolism.Fitness - Exercise is also essential to being healthy incr...more
Should an Obese Person Become a Yoga Teacher?
...e person becoming a Yoga teacher; does the public feel that he or she should go on a diet first? We are all guilty of classifying and itemizing, until it affects our perception of reality. Tolerance is a daily challenge for all of us.There are many good Yoga teachers who carry a few extra pounds due to a...more
The Link Between Yoga, Mindfulness, and Weight Loss (Part 2)
...enance. Due to his visit, the Shaolin temple became the birthplace of Ch'an Buddhism. Also resulting from this encounter, Chinese Kung Fu was born, and many styles of martial arts have continued to evolve to this day.There is so much to learn about Yoga that none of us will be able to learn everything in one lifetime. The results of regular Yoga practice, and the lessons in mindfulness taught b...more
Yoga and The Da Vinci Code
...t is “squashed;” then - history is rewritten by the victors. This is the formula for gaining power in anything.Recent best selling misinformation will now make Christians pursue the real truth. In the long run, this may be one of the best things to happen to Christianity in a long time. Yet, it took many centuries for this to happen. Jus...more
Practising Iyengar Yoga During Pregnancy
... can benefit both you and your baby, and can make your pregnancy far more comfortable and enjoyable. Exercise, as most people know, is a great way to reduce stress and increase relaxation, and when you are pregnant an ideal form of exercise that can help you to do this is yoga.Like other forms of yoga, Iyengar yoga focuses on poses known as asanas, and breath ...more


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