
Yoga Power Yoga Dvd


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Easy Exercise for Arthritis
...rease mobility without undue strain. The Aquatics Program includes gentle exercises in warm water that are designed to increase flexibility and strength. Tai Chi from the Arthritis Foundation(R) includes 12 movements, six basic and six advanced, which improve agility and relaxation. For more information, visit option is the...more
How is Yoga and Pilates?
...fluence as Wai Lana in increasing the worldwide appreciation of the beauty and benefits of the ancient art of yoga. Wai Lana's internationally aired TV series attracts a huge audience and has played a significant part in the skyrocketing popularity of yoga. Click here to read Wai Lana’s biography.What is Pilates? Derived from ancient yoga asanas, the Pilates exercise system was formulated by Jo...more
Building Stronger Arms Through Yoga
...-stand when performed in conjunction with it counter poses-The Bridge and Fish pose, can definitely come in handy for using Yoga for increasing arm strength.You know what else, each of these poses also come in extremely useful for toning up the abs and offering in some cases a deep tissue massage to your visceral ...more
The Essence Of Kundalini Yoga
... begins to rise up through a central channel in the spinal column, known as the sushumna nadi. As it rises, it passes through various psycho-energetic centers known as chakras. As the chakras are interconnected with different dormant areas of the brain, when the kundalini passes through them, all of the latent facultie...more
Are You Lacking Concentration and Discipline In Your Life? If So, Try Yoga for More Focus
...and unhappiness, and bad eating habits that throw our systems into a tail spin of obesity. Yoga will help you balance your mental and physical accounts and the rest of your life will take on a new sheen as well.If you are lacking discipline in your life give Yoga a try for several months, easing yourself into the poses with a class twice a week and see if you don’t ...more


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