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Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not do Bhastrika Pranayama
...apacity slowly.The Bellows breath activates and invigorates the liver, pancreas, spleen and abdominal muscles, thus toning the digestive system and improving digestion.During Bhastrika there is an increase in the exchange of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) into and out of the bloodstream. This action stimulates the metabolic rate, producing heat and flushing tox...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Empowerment with Jnana Yoga
... of Jnana Yoga applied to life, you will see that success is also a coordinated effort and a spiritual path of compassion, discipline, study, visualization, and meditation. Jnana Yoga is coordinated power.Anyone can improve himself or herself with applied thought, action, and perseverance. Personal development requires desire, guidance, and a steady ...more
Office Yoga - Corporate Yoga for the Office
...mpany can take such action by installing an Office Yoga program.Some companies pay a percentage for a Yoga teacher to operate an Office Yoga class, while employees pay the balance. Other companies see this as a “win-win” situation and pay for the Yoga classes in full. Regardless of how an Office Yoga program is paid for, the benefits for the corporate sector are jus...more
The Restorative Pose on the floor. When you rest in the position for five to ten minutes two times a day the body rejuvenates itself. With the feet up like that the blood goes to the vital organs and nerves to bath them with oxygen and nourishment .The trick is to do it daily for weeks and months and this simple pose can yield remarkable results on how we feel and on our p...more
Novice Guide To Yoga written before the 7th century BC, which makes it one of the oldest texts known to man!For many people in the west, the meditation aspects of yoga is known, however, there is more to yoga. Doing yoga for many people practicing yoga, is also a way to spiritual growth, and spiritual enlightenment.Benefits of Yoga When you start to do yoga, you will find many be...more


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