
Beginning Yoga Houston


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Yoga And The Benefits Of Menopause: A Means to Obtain Relief From Menopause Symptoms you are understandably concerned about the changes your body will experience. You have heard the stories of how menopause can change your life and how your mood will change. You do not want these mood swings, hot flashes, sudden flares of depression or insomnia, but you cannot find a way to control them eith...more
What Do I Need To Know About Yoga?
...ern yoga spends much of it's focus on the physical aspects of yoga, and the health benefits which follow from it's practice.Whether you are brand new to yoga or an experienced yoga practitioner you can always become involved, or more involved, and there is always more to learn. It is fun, relaxing and great for your body and mind. You don't need to be inv...more
Different Poses For Yoga
... shoulders, tone the butt, lower tiredness, help you to sleep and make your asthma better. If you are having diarrhea, headaches, or are on your period, you should not try this pose until it is finished.3. Half Moon pose is a standing pose. The known name is Ardha Chandrasana. It will help to make your legs and ankles stronger. It will also bri...more
Yoga - Torture Or A Holistic Holiday?
...ying to stay still is not my idea of relaxation. I come out of Yoga classes feeling disgruntled with my inflexibility and with several aches and pains! Needless to say, I have long since given up on perfecting the art of Yoga and have instead settled for sporadic trips to the gym and the occasional home workout video.However while Yoga cl...more
Beyond Flexibility - The Health Benefits Of Yoga
...fits Of Yoga When I was 21 I suffered a slipped disc in my lower back. I couldn't sit down during the acute phase, only lie or stand, though standing itself was uncomfortable at the time. Once the acute phase had passed (with rest, although acupuncture and shiatsu are great), I had the fortune to meet some yoga teachers and I started going to their classes. I started ou...more


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