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Crash Course on Yoga
...hurried movements will only cause imbalance and fatigue.Different types of yogaThere are several kinds of yoga. One of the most popular kind is the Hatha Yoga, which is practiced in Western countries. The word Hatha comes from the combined words of HA, which means sun and THA, which means moon, suggesting the union of opposites. HATHA emp...more
Yoga As An Effective Treatment For Back Pain
...the underlying causes of our back pain, focusing instead on simply trying to manage the symptoms with painkillers and other drugs.But clinical studies have found that most forms of low back pain respond well to conservative (non-surgical) treatments. These simple treatments can really address the causes of the pain and provide lasting relief.Exercise is nature's cureAs counter...more
Benefits of Yoga Practice for Middle-Aged People
...d to weight loss for obese people in their middle ages. They had looked into the data accumulated from 15,500 men and women in the age group of 45 and 55 years. Studies concluded that individuals of a normal weight who had daily yoga practice sessions gained 3 pounds less than those individuals who did not have regular yoga sessions. The effect of yoga was the most ...more
Yoga Classes - How To Find Your Yoga Classes
...w To Find Your Yoga Classes One of the most well known and popular form of exercise is yoga, and its popularity has increased the most dramatically recently, in particular over the last decade or so. It matters not what age, fitness level or health situation that applies to you, yoga will have advantages and benefits.Where To Find a Yoga Class?If you are looking to sign up ...more
Yoga and Self Analysis: The Right Time and Place
... needed to envision the fruits of your labor. You will then have to put your visions, plans, and goals into action.So, how, and when, do you make the time for a self analysis session? Much like Yogic meditation, you need a quiet time and place. Try to allow one hour per week; and if you come up with a blank, a...more


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