
Institut International De Yoga


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Staying Fit with Yoga Exercises
...teps and procedures for each yoga exercise.During a tired and heavy day, you can set a little time and devotion in doing yoga exercises. Also remember that in doing yoga, you’ll need to be consistent in practicing the yoga exercises so that it will soon take effect and you will notice little by little improvements on your body.After doing the yoga exercises...more
What Is Power Yoga - And How Does It Differ From Ashtanga?
...synthesis of many different yoga traditions, created by Baron Baptiste. Baptiste studied with yoga teachers including Iyengar (Iyengar yoga), Pattabhi Jois (Astanga yoga), and Bikram Choundhury (Bikram yoga).Despite its physicality, Baptiste's Power yoga is based on the philosophy that self discovery, freedom, and truth are not to be found in either the dogma or traditional tea...more
The Truth About Options for Yoga Teachers; Part 2
... If something does appeal to you, there are many different continuing education options available for Yoga teachers. There are a number of workshops, seminars, and camps around the world for interns and established Yoga teachers.If you already have a running Yoga studio, children, or responsibilities at home, onsite Yoga teacher training may not always be the best option. You may wa...more
Yoga's Place in America
... into an exercise regimen and ideal of perfect health. It has become an integral part of the multi-million dollar fitness industry. Some of this is due to America's fascination with celebrity. When stars like Madonna embrace something like yoga, thousands of fans follow suit. Madonna is known throughout the world as having one of the most fit physiqu...more
Yoga For The Elderly
...e elderly can improve circulation and minimize arthritis and digestive disorders caused by inactivity. More interesting thanYoga for the Elderly, sure, but I'm not technical.ElderlyThe elderly had my special interest because my own parents and my mother-in-law are becoming older. The proportion of elderly...more


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