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Is Cellulite Unhealthy?
...erally are a depository of toxins. Minimizing the intake of toxins, and employing frequent detoxification measures can benefit health and improve the appearance of cellulite.According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the appearance of cellulite can be controlled by the following factors:Diet filled with fruits, vegetabl...more
Three Reasons You Should Not Do Headstand
... amounts of carbon dioxide and toxins out of the lungs.Practice of this asana provides the feeling of equilibrium and well-being and it increases memory and concentration.The Headstand inverts the pattern of blood pressure in the body – increasing it in the head and dropping it in the feet:The blood pressure at the top of the head increases from 100/60 mm Hg ...more
What Is Yoga - History and Origins
...tcome, the end result, or being motivated by self gain (Karma Yoga)* self transcending knowledge (Jnana yoga)* psycho-physical meditation (Raja yoga)* devotion - loving service to the Divine Essence (Bhakti yoga) (Source - Wikipedia)The Bhagavad Gita is believed to have been written between the 5th and 2nd century BC. In the Gita, the goal of yoga is the realization of Brahman, or the...more
Ashtanga Yoga - The Primary And Intermediate Series
...ries, the postures of these series are integrated deeply into the body. The body becomes light and strong. An even muscle tone is developed throughout the body and the organs are strengthened and purified. Once the practice of these two series is mastered then the practice of the Advanced Series of postures is begun. The Advanced Series is referred to as Sthira Bhaga or the st...more
How Practicing Yoga Can Lead To A Healthier Heart For Baby Boomers
... of your heart. Through exercise you will lower your weight, your cholesterol, and your blood pressure. This will all result in less work on your heart and if you already are having heart problems, exercise can help keep your heart beat regulated and expand your blood vessels.According to physicians a regula...more


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