
Carry Yoga Mat


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What Is Iyengar Yoga?
...tisfaction with what one has, penance and mental control, introspection and surrender to God. Asana refers to posture and position (ideally an erect stance with relaxed muscles) and Pranayama is the directed control of one's breath, which is so vital to successful yoga practice.Pratayahara calls for the quieting of senses connected with the outer world. Only then will Dha...more
Yama and Niyama in Yoga
...violence): this is one of foremost yamas. It means the lack of intention to hurt others. This intention need not be just physical but includes mental and emotional cruelty. Here the attitude is more important than the actual act of killing. You should not even have the intention of offending others.• Satya (Truthfulness): th...more
Facts About Successful Yoga Teachers, Part 4
... practice regularly. Yoga is more than a once a week commitment. How could any of us expect to make significant progress by attending a Yoga class once per week?Keep your classes interesting. If you get a stale feeling, and feel like you are in a rut, then your students probably feel the same way.Lastly, when you travel around town, and someone asks what y...more
Strong Meditation from Yoga
... a way for you to control the mind and the senses by concentrating on the energy inside the body. It can be said that when you are in control of the mind, you are doing something that is very hard because the mind is always moving and very easy to disturb. From childbirth, the mind is filled with ego, pride, lust, and human desires and a person ...more
Yoga in the Workplace
...the workplace and recuperate the overall health of people who practice yoga. It also helps in lowering health care costs.Yoga in workplace can further help your employees in improving mental and physical state of mind and completing their tasks more effectively. In Britain and many other European countries, ther...more


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