
Clean Mat Yoga


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Benefits of Chair Yoga - Part 1
...e best of any client’s ability.Therefore, the method used, addresses the whole body in a single routine. This is an amazing feat, for a low-impact exercise program, where the average session lasts 45 to 60 minutes. The following information will highlight some of the many benefits of regular participation in a Chair Yoga class.Increased c...more
Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga the mind and cools the body in order for the yogi to master prana (life energy).Pratyahara - The practice of Pratyahara engages the yogi in a meditation practice wherein the yogi withdraws their thoughts and senses from the outside world and focuses their gaze inward to the Self.Dharana - The practice...more
How One Yoga Looking Push-up Can Work The Whole Body
...ven some go as far as to say it is Yoga. I will have you know that ancient religious monks have incorporated them into one of the 5 Tibetan Rites, that they execute and they even have their place in military workouts even though they are labeled as ‘dive-bomber’ push ups.Either way, they are amazing.Here is the technique and like me, after reading this n...more
Restorative Yoga for Stress Management
...t with your Yoga teacher, before class time. Your Yoga teacher may be able to advise you in regard to techniques that will alleviate stress or pain. You can expect that your Yoga teacher will be compassionate and modifications to postures will be taught.Your body and mind will feel the benefits of relaxing into a Yoga posture. As a result, you be able to balance your life, and feel the b...more
Caring For And Selecting A Machine Washable Yoga Mat
...we like.Another type of yoga mat that you don't see quite as often but can be cleaned just as easily is a cotton yoga mat. These yoga mats are a bit more bulky than the more modern and yoga mats but for those who need a bit more cushion they are a great solution. Again there is quite a wide array of cotton yoga ...more


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