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Have You all Heard of "Chair Yoga"?
....Well, if it means more people like my handicapped friend can get into doing 'chair yoga' to stay fit and hence reap the benefits of Yoga, I say this style has got my vote.Moreover, if they go as far as to have an actual instruction course for teaching handicap (aka chair) yoga program to ensure that p...more
Purpose of Yoga - Reasoning With Fundamentalism
...for a religious fundamentalist. In the past, hanging, burning at the stake, drowning, and the rack, were used by religious fundamentalists to rid society of accused witches. Everyone was a suspect, and anyone that was accused, of anything, was tortured, until they confessed.The Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of Wit...more
Dahn Yoga - Yoga for the Soul
...ommunicate fully with their body, thus enriching their lives to the full.Allied with the body’s natural healing ability, this is enhanced through stimulating energies that connect the physical body to the conscious mind.Through deep stretching, breathing methods and meditation, Dahn Yoga promotes physical, mental, and spiritu...more
Exercising Using Power Yoga
...s of Power Yoga have in common is that they have a strong emphasis on strength and flexibility. Power yoga helped to make Yoga mainstream and is a main contributor to yoga's current popularity, as yoga became seen as a way to work out.Is Power Yoga for You?As there are a number of variations, power yoga classes vary widely from teacher to teacher. Power yoga appeals to people who a...more
Yoga Explained
...ike breathing for example and others say it's a void, or being completely empty. Another common theme is the spiritual teacher, sometimes known as the guru, or lama. The guru guides the student through yoga's discipline from the beginning.Traditionally, knowledge of yoga and the permission to practice it or teach it has been passed down by gurus and studen...more


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