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Dahn Yoga - Yoga for the Soul
... exercises allow optimized blood circulation and improves flexibility, stamina, strength and vitality.It is also a form of peaceful mediation that contributes to self-awareness and gives an extra energy that creates general wellbeing.It should be easy to locate somewhere to practice your yoga as there are centers in most cities in the Western world.If y...more
The Purpose Of Yoga - Seeing Illusion teacher taught him neck circles, and this is the way it has been since the beginning.”We must expel our preconceived notions and practice non-judgement, when we research Yoga. This also applies to life. How many of us have thought harshly of someone because of their initial appearance - only to discover this same person is true, kind, an...more
YogaSutra - First Text On Yoga
...e force. The various types of breathing techniques are Ujjayee, Shitali, Viloma, Kapalabhati, Anuloma, Suryabhedana. Some of the breathing techniques can be performed sitting down but some others have to be performed while a person is standing up. To master this techniques it can months or even years but this technique has to be pra...more
Need Power? Try Core Power Yoga
...ower yoga is the Western version of the Indian Ashtanga Yoga. The term was was given by Beryl Bender Birch, an Ashtanga Yoga teacher. It has been brought to the west by followers of Sri K. Pattabhi, a renowned Sanskrit scholar who inspired Western Yogis with his Ashtanga Yoga Style and philosophie...more
What Is Yoga? be adjusted to fit physical limitations and other complications.If you want a break from treadmills, weight rooms, or the pool, take a look at yoga. Not only are you striving towards physical well being, you are striving towards spiritual well being as well.Traditionally, yoga consists of eight fundamental paths: Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Purna Yoga, Tantra Yoga, ...more


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