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Yoga - An Easy Way To Stay Healthy - Part 1
...ending the hips, and bring the arms forward and down until they touch the floor. Either grasp the ankles or just leave the hands on the floor and breathe several times.The Cobra/ Bhujangasana:This exercises stretches the spine, strengthens the back and arms and opens the chest and heart. Lie down on the stomach keeping l...more
You Can Learn Yoga From A Yoga Retreat Destination
... of obligations, rush hour traffic, nagging bosses and the chaos of daily life, the last thing most Americans want is a high-volume vacation that requires a lot of running around and planning. Why not try a week at a relaxing yoga retreat, where you will leave with a deep-seated serenity and awareness?You can go anywhere from India to Mexico in search of rejuvenation and spiritual connectednes...more
I Ching - Answer Your Questions, Look At Solutions, Make Decisions was the answer I received from the I Ching when I asked should I cancel the gym and do yoga instead? A fairly trivial question but the answer is clear.The gym was costing a lot and I needed to save money at the time. Doing yoga was what I needed because I really needed to relax. So this I Ching really made sense.The ‘dissolve a pernicious influ...more
Home Based Business - Teach Yoga And Make Money Online
.... Ensure visibility of your contact details like addresses and phone numbers on these materials. A website is an excellent marketing tool, start up your own website. Fill it with articles about Yoga, how it benefits your health. Include testimonies of happy clients. Learn about financial management. It is still a business and it will c...more
These Yoga Abdominal Exercises will Literally Crush the Gut
...simultaneously exercising the muscles of the abdominal region.Personally I include other basic calisthenics like the Hindu-Push Ups, the use of the Ab-wheel, windmills etc. to offer a bit of variety occasionally, however that’s just on occasion, the afore mentioned Yoga Poses are excellent into themselves for exercising...more


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