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Kriya, a Spiritual Yoga Experience
...rogresses his evolution, and it is said that this 30 seconds of Kriya is equivalent to a year of natural spiritual growth.Kriya yoga is based on Kundalina yoga and includes similar asana and meditation methods. Kriya adds some spiritual and esoteric guidelines. It does have its detractors that point out Kriya does not maintain your power comes from within, but that you need a t...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Communication
...le will easily remember our worst behavior.With that said, there are many more possibilities. Perhaps the Yoga instructor is the one who is arrogant. We could blame the Yoga teacher training facility, by insisting, "The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree." Yet, an elitist or egotistical mindset is usually cultivated from within. History has a few exceptions, but i...more
The Different Types of Yoga
...tyle of yoga most practiced today. It is what you will think of when you think of yoga in general. Power yoga is a more aerobic-style yoga, with an emphasis on cardio. Bikram yoga is a style of yoga performed in a heated room to accelerate detoxification. These are the types of yoga you will most likely encounter.In addition...more
Online Yoga Instructor Training - Why is Now the Best Time, you may have to wonder where the expertise begins and ends.How many hours of study are provided? Upon successful completion of the training course, will you be awarded a teacher's diploma? Do you see any signs of business or teacher ethics?How much support can you expect? Is it a one phone call limit or is there unlimited phone support? Do they respond to your Ema...more
Working Women & Their Fitness Regime
...n taking care of their health and their fitness regime. So we shall see the different ways of how working women can stay fit. As she has got to take care of the rest of the family as well.Yoga is an age old practice that keeps the mind, soul and body fit. Many working women practice yoga for its power and strength. There are 8 parts of yoga.• Yama • Asana • Niyama • Pranayama • Pratyaha...more


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