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Tantric Yoga
...iewpoints, on all scales." In non-technical language, the focus is to destroy any non-duality, be it from the focal point of the inner psyche, a wife and a husband, or even a parent and a child.Though it is a hard concept to truly grasp, it can be made simpler by a look at how we phrase things. In one aspect, you have a man with a wife and two children. In the...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Teach your Students about Tranquility
...f Yoga, but make it simple for people who walk in the door. Just say: "Tranquility" and they will understand. Tranquility is just one word, which thoroughly explains what a student should be able to expect from his or her first Yoga class, and the following classes, as well.The initial benefits of physically-oriented classes are balance, muscle tone, improved circul...more
Predictions for Yoga in 2008 as nutritional programs, exercise routines, spa services, and wellness consultations-to their yoga offerings.8. You'll see more yoga in cyberspace. Convenience is always an advantage in our busy lives. That's why yoga is moving out of the studio (see prediction number three) and that's why you'll...more
Fireworks after Yoga Day USA
... Bhakti Yoga would have flourished on the American Continents, instead of Hatha Yoga.However, Americans have a completely different culture from India. For some Christians, the concept of union with the self and God is blasphemy. Some Christians, Jews, and Moslems will not participate in mantras, for religious reasons. Therefore, Yoga outside of India, is inter...more
The Heart of a Yoga Practice: Dedicating Your Efforts and try to connect with something greater, you inspire your own ability to love. This is the nature of the spirit, and connecting with that is the ultimate goal of yoga practice. Samadhi is union with the divine, a connection with the source, which is true love. Everything else is negligible. As my teachers, Sharon Gannon and David Life, would say, “The s...more
