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More About Yoga Therapy for Increasing Self-Worth
...e far beyond our control, and we have to come to a realization about the limits of our control.We are responsible for our actions. Therefore, forgiving oneself for past mistakes is a difficult task for most of us. Yet, if we do not forgive ourselves, we prevent our own happiness. Self-worth and happiness must start from within.We must accept the past, our friends, and our family, as...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Character is obvious that our mental, physical, and emotional health will be improved by good character, but it can also be said that our physical health will be improved? How can this be? Feelings of fun, gratification, kindness, happiness, and forgiveness, are just plain healthy. The opposite feelings will cut our life spans short.The building blocks of good character are integrity, pa...more
Yoga Alignment Methods for Insomnia Solutions
...ogic alignment method for insomnia.Although insomnia can be caused by a variety of reasons, restless nights seem to become more frequent when we worry. When you are in the company of adults, over the age of 40, very few will tell you they always sleep sound. The common reasons are a variety of worries about their parents, their children, college expenses, rel...more
Free Yoga Classes: A Lesson for Yoga Teachers
...s the last time you could go to a deli and ask for a “free introductory package?” What do you think you would get for an answer?After all, you just want to try them out, see if you like it, and maybe you will come back. If you see no value in them, you could go to another deli, and try them out, until they get tired of serving you “free lunch.”Although Yoga instructors do not make sa...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Empowerment with Yoga
...ox.” In fact, you took control of the situation, by changing from within.When we change on the inside, the world looks much different on the outside. How can we get proper direction? There are so many possible changes. In order for us to progress in life, we need reliable information. At this time, there is an over abundance of information, and e...more
