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The Foundation of Martial Arts: Yoga monk, from India, began to teach the monks at the Shaolin temple, in Hunan Province, a form of physical health maintenance, which is believed to be Yoga. It is also said that Boddidharma was a member of the Warrior caste. Therefore, he should also have had working knowledge of Kalarippayat; an indigenous Indian Marti...more
Tracing the History of Yoga
...thic settlement and the Modern Hinduism. The shamanistic culture of Mergarh was in fact influenced by Hindu ideals, symbols and rituals of the present. The ancient shamanism and early Yoga had so much similarity for the reason both wanted to go beyond the human condition.Shamanism’s primary goal was t...more
Dancing To The Beat Of Music
... chants and Yoga music that was used back then. Yoga music brings together a mix and variety of world beat and sounds. Some are danceable and some sacred music are included.This lets you move from the beginning to end. As a result, this enhances the flow of Yoga and your life. This is like a unifying pulse that is brought...more
Yoga, Something for Everyone
...and taught those who wanted to learn. It wasn't until 1947 when Indra Devi opened a yoga studio in Hollywood that yoga finally began to slowly become more mainstream. Since then, the popularity of yoga has become greater. There are now many different schools or styles of Hatha yoga and they all focus of the many differe...more
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - An Historical Text
... are able to gain mastery of feelings and thoughts alike. Sutra literally means “thread.” This thread is basically the connection between the sutras in the work. In fact, some people call the Patanjali Sutras the Yoga Aphorisms in English. It is not an altogether incorrect loose translation.Understanding the TextThe sutras ...more


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