
Wai Lana Extra Thick Yoga Pilates Mat


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Ayurveda and Yoga
...h the body is only the first step on the way to spiritual progress. When one controls the functions of one’s organism, he prepares himself for the transformation of the soul.Yoga is only a part of Ayurveda, one of the steps to achieving a righteous way of life. Practicing only yoga will give results and will have a good effect on the organism, but the meaning of “lifestyle” is...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 5 mantras), and meditation, the Kundalini energy is sent up the spine to the Sahasrara Chakra at the crown of the head.Samadhi, also known as intuitive enlightenment, is one of the most sought after results of Kundalini Yoga practice. Therefore, Kundalini attracts a much different type of student and Yoga teacher from wh...more
How to Improve Your Body, Mind and Spirit By Practicing Hatha Yoga
...atha Yoga Hatha yoga is a 5000 year old system that is used to improve the health of your body, mind and spirit. Hatha yoga combines the stretching exercises of the asanas. Breathing techniques and mental concentration are included in hatha yoga.The lotus position of the asanas is used in hatha yoga. The goal of hatha yoga remains the same as that of the other types of yoga. The goal of hatha...more
Nude Aerobics Yoga?
...robics yoga say that clothes keep them disturbed and it prevents the flow of air in getting inside the body. This may be funny but they really think it that way. For them, wearing clothes is like an excess baggage.Some can’t even carry out yoga with their clothes on. If this is the case, a lot of people will be intimidated or pe...more
Yoga Certification - The Beginning of a Yoga Teacher's Journey intern receives his or her diploma, for teaching Yoga, is only the beginning of the journey.The day of graduation, from student to Yoga teacher, could be compared to a butterfly coming out of a chrysalis. For a new Yoga teacher, this is the beginning of a quest to learn about the body, mind, and spirit.Each is a v...more


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