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Healthy Weight Loss-3 Ways To Enhance Your Health And Wellbeing
...Loss-3 Ways To Enhance Your Health And Wellbeing In today’s society there are so many ways of becoming healthy and maintaining it. It excites me how many ways there are to live a healthy life. Three of these are by practicing meditation, yoga and pilates.People when they think of meditation think of some complicat...more
Yoga Insights: Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Part 1
...class.Regular practice of Sun Salutations will improve and help regulate functions within the Endocrine Glands. Of course most of the studies about Yoga’s heath benefits have been performed in India, the birth place of Yoga. It seems that we must spend millions of dollars to research information that doctors in India have documented for generations.The End...more
The Many Benefits of Yoga
...en conducted to determine which areas will benefit from an extended practice of yoga. Yoga practitioners are most likely to see improvements in the areas of physiology, psychology, and biochemistry.Furthermore, practitioners of yoga speak of a unification of the body, mind and spirit achieved through the practice of yoga exercis...more
The Benefits Of Hatha Yoga Examined
...ollowing a regular yoga routine.Asanas can release the tense muscles caused by hours of sitting at a desk. Breathing deeply can improve vitality by increasing the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain. Meditation can enhance the power of concentration and calm the mind. Yoga teaches full relaxation and encoura...more
Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga guidelines, developing awareness of the energy body, and physical mastery.The last four limbs are concerned with development of consciousness through meditation. The physical body is a capsule for the soul (Jiva). The physical body has basic functional demands, and sensory demands, for pleasure. Transcending awareness beyond the physical senses grants us peace with ours...more


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