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Yoga in Practice - Taking Control of Your Life
...e’s daily struggles. In Yoga, there are many practices to help us change the personality, but we must first really want to change. You cannot change by reading about it.You must put Yoga, knowledge, and the desire to change your life for the best, into practice. Applying what you learn separates you from the masses. Most people read, listen to ...more
Yoga Accessories- Getting What You Really Need, your keys, and wallet.Yoga DVDs If you are not taking classes, they can provide you with wonderful instruction, often from top teachers.Yoga Props There are a variety of props that can help you with your form, especially if you are a beginner.One of the least mentioned, but what I feel is one of the most important yoga accessories, is a water bottle. During your practice, your body wil...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Overcoming Hurdles to Blissful Aging
...oga has to offer. These hurdles are stress, poor eating choices, and fundamentalism.Technology, financial worries, work-related stress, and unstable relationships, are the most common distractions, but they serve to “chew up our time” and “choke the life” out of us.Challenges are healthy, but overwhelming stress is worse for your health than a bad diet, because it ...more
The Truth About Vinyasa Yoga
... with rhythm, similar to music.The energy used in flowing from one movement, to the next, continues throughout a typical Vinyasa Yoga class. This type of Yoga class will challenge aerobic endurance, enhance flexibility, and build overall strength.There are many variations of Vinyasa Yoga classes. Some are related to or of...more
Learning To Love The Yoga We All Hate
...bringing awareness to our practice we can start to know where our limitations are and focus on those areas as key development points within a balanced practice. This is the start of the journey. The rest of the journey is the continued and systematic extension of those boundaries. And the destination, the goal of all this effort? The ongoing and continued improvement of our physical, mental...more


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