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True Essence of Yoga
...old that yoga was lost since a long time.We cannot catch those original culprits, who were the top most twisting masters and so the present tradition also cannot be blamed. Only rectification is the way left over. Some say that they see light, which is only an imagination. After all, the mind is a form of e...more
Chair Yoga Case Study - A Path to Inner Peace
...I’m a 40-year old graphic designer in Kansas City. I have multiple sclerosis. I began practicing chair yoga a few months ago. I had tried some yoga videos at home but they were not interactive and had nothing to do with proper breathing techniques.Chair yoga has made a real difference in my inner life. There is quiet place in all of ...more
Ten Reasons to Attend a Yoga Retreat
...urished by seven nutritious vegetarian meals. Many retreat centers specialize in fresh menus created from nutritious whole foods that will nurture your body and soul and promote optimal health during your stay. You will leave inspired to make healthy improvements to your diet.(3) The Yoga Imagine an entire weekend of yoga classes especially designed for your retreat. A yoga retreat allows ...more
The Diamond Pose - An Essential for the Yoga Beginner
...ves.2. This is one asana which can be done immediately after consuming food. Sit in Vajrasana and do right nostril breathing. This relieves heaviness in stomach and improves digestion.3. Vajrasana is a very important meditation posture, as we can sit with an erect spine comfortably for a long time. This is a very good pose for people suffering from sciatica and ...more
Fitness Fusion - Yoga And Pilates Address Mind And Body Needs
...nd more Pilates teachers are becoming interested in yoga as well and, therefore, a fusion of the two often occurs," Keach explains. "While traditionalists may be up in arms about this, I think it's wonderful to see the Americanization of these systems blending together. It's a product of our culture."So, how do you decide which is for...more


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