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Practice Hard, Heal Fast? - Yoga Flexibility & Stretching Exercises
...ork miracles, but you have to work too.HEAL FAST Some part of my body is usually a little sore from yoga—but there is a big difference between soreness and pain. Soreness is good, pain is bad.To overcome your general yoga soreness, keep practicing—but practice more gently. Don’t stretch so deeply and mo...more
5 Tips To Gaining Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) Through Practicing Yoga
...mind in the most subtle way. We walk around all day and forget about how our body really feels. Practicing yoga is a time to listen and send information between the mind and body. This is a perfect opportunity send positive affirmations from your mind to your body and back again.UnfoldAllow each pose to unfold to you without strug...more
Yoga Eye Pillow - A New Light Towards Relaxation
...r to having acupressure points pressed and can be a good meditation nap.These herbs are basically used for the different problems you would be suffering and these eye pillows can be of good help. It helps in keeping the light away from your eyes, avoid eye strain, soothe your tired eyes and make your face ...more
10 Benefits For You With Yoga Fitness
...itness is, in the early stages of taking your yoga fitness class you will not have that soreness and muscle aches associated with other forms of fitness exercise. If you find you have some muscle aches, talk to your yoga fitness instructor as you may be doing something wrong. They can supervise your movements closer and guide you with the positio...more
Yoga Retreat, Yoga Holiday, A Yoga Vacation, Something Different
... sure you ask when making your enquiries as to what is included in the course. Things like the time allocated to yoga sessions, meditation etc.With a yoga vacation the schedule is usually more relaxed with spare time for you to take in a few sights and get to know the other people on the course. Where the vacation is located should have some sight seeing attrac...more


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