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The Four Paths of Yoga
...ogical evidence started shedding light to support the belief that the practice of yoga began 5,000 years ago.Another expert, David Frawley, who is a Vedic scholar, claims that yoga dates back to the earliest Hindu writing, called Rig Veda, which was believed to have been written between 1500 and 1200 BC. Rig Veda is considered the oldest religious text in the world and it...more
The 4 Paths of Yoga
...or everyone we come into contact with. It is the yoga of the heart. This is the most popular path in India, and it involves surrendering yourself to the devine through prayer, worship and ritual. Jnana Yoga - (wisdom) - the yoga of the mind, the path of inner enquiry. This path requires development of the intellect through the study of the scriptures and texts of the yogic tradition. It involv...more
How To Choose The Best Yoga Videos
...a fancy way of showing off the instructor’s ability in yoga. Such videos do little if any good and in many cases may even be counterproductive for you. The idea of having the yoga video is to help your development, not to put you in awe of someone else’s level of flexibility or fitness.Finally, high quality yoga videos should feature ...more
Yoga Teachers Lead by Example (Part 1)
...onal estimate of time that I spent on vacuuming, cleaning, and maintenance of the Yoga studio is thousands of hours before I hired someone else to do it. This does not account for any of the time spent on many other duties that go into running a Yoga studio.The average Yoga student has no idea of the pre...more
Yoga A Blend Of Spiritual And Physical Exercises
...lso a physician, with a considerable body of medical work attributed to him, though this work has been lost in the pages of time. Though founded by Patanjali, yet Yoga existed as a distinct teaching and system of life long before him.A traditional Indian system of healing the mind and body, through a series of mental, spiritual and physical exercises, ...more


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