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Facts About Chakra Awakening
...also realize that we are not enlightened or perfect all the time. If you want to experience Chakra awakening with an enlightened Yoga enthusiast, you should seek out a competent Yoga teacher, who is willing to help you.You could also get similar guidance from a Reiki teacher or Reiki master. Reiki teachers are very familiar with the Chakra ...more
Abdominal Exercises and Pregnancy
... Dr. James Clapp, Director of Research for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Metro Health Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, has compiled extensive research that indicates Women who continue regular exercise throughout pregnancy tend to have easier, shorter, and less complicated labors.His knowledge on the subject indicates that starting or continuing regular exercise during preg...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Summer Slow Down
...will experience a slow down, if the temperatures rise too much and too soon. Yoga classes can become sparse, especially if the temperatures jump to the 90’s Fahrenheit during late spring or early summer. So, what action can Yoga teachers take to deal with this vacation season?How about special classes? Did you ever think about teaching Yoga classes in ...more
What Yoga Teaching Level Do You Start From and How Do You Progress to the Next Level?
...cation through training, have references from past places you taught yoga instruction and a creative spirit that transcends your classes.Becoming a ProfessionalYou know that you have reached a pinnacle in your yoga teaching career when you want to take being a yoga teacher even further. One opportunity that exists for such individuals is trainin...more
Yoga A Timeless Culture For A Healthy Lifestyle
...ize, harmonize and balance the body.Yoga would not have survived thousands of years had it not been beneficial to its devotees. Medical research has confirmed that yoga is indeed helpful in alleviating problems concerning high blood pressure, pain management, backaches, sleep problems, diabetes, di...more


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