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The Purpose of Yoga - Empowerment with Jnana Yoga
...ust be put into action for self empowerment to take place.Therefore, reading scriptures and classics is a noble pursuit. You are practicing the foundation of Jnana Yoga, but you must visualize, meditate, and act ethically, for your Jnana Yoga practice to reach its maximum potential.Some people may say it is wrong to have goals, to improve yourself, and to visualize a better l...more
Chair Yoga Case Study – No More Chronic Neck Pain
...ith the videos as a personal “tool box” for taking care of my body. I have definitely gained strength in my arms and legs as well.I truly appreciate the way Liz works so hard to help us achieve a mind/body/spirit connection in her classes. The meditative experience of her classes carries through my day. I try to attend two of her classes each week and use her vid...more
Chant OM And Free Yourself From All Ill-Thoughts And Disease
...lise Brahman one has to chant OM and practice Yoga. Practice of Yoga is meaningless without knowing and chanting of OM. OM should be chanted with full exhalation. Sound should come out equally from mouth and nose. With a full inhalation again one should chant OM with full exhalation. This way one sh...more
How Strong Is The Connection Between Yoga And Meditation?
...ence. Times can range from as little as 5 minutes up to as much as a couple of hours; maybe longer. As such it is essential that the person meditating remains as comfortable as possible during that time. Yoga moves and exercises which incorporate the stretching and relaxation of the muscles, really helps to make ...more
Isn't it Time to Try Kundalini Yoga?
...l surge unlike anything you're likely to have experienced before.What Can It Do For Me? The powerful energy released by Kundalini yoga is said to do many things for the body. And yet, although it can help you physically, its primary benefits are spiritual. All the intangible energies that help to shape our lives are affected...more


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