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Bhakti Yoga - The Science of Devotion is a higher power that has created the universe and is all-powerful. This power has the capacity to confer grace and mercy on him and thus protecting him from all the harms and evils. The devotee or bhakta is expected to make himself fit for receiving this divine grace. For this, he has to practice devotion and virtue. His u...more
Secrets of Teaching Yoga
... a Yoga teacher should instill, in his or her students, is self-motivation. The serious Yoga student must be a self starter. This is a person who practices Yoga at home, as well as in class. They don’t depend on their friends to come to class, and they show up like “clockwork.”How can you make your Yoga students become self motivators?You must show up to class early, enthused, and energized...more
Everything People Need To Know About Yoga
...see yourself.The poses or postures used in Hatha yoga to help control your movement, flexibility and to develop a more conscious form of breathing. Postures can range from very simple and basic and although they are done in a slow fashion they are very invigorating and provide an excellent workout for not just the body but also the mind.Hatha yoga is considered to be...more
Valentine's Day Every Day - The Spirit Of Bhakti Yoga
...he energy of love. It could be through a smile, a compliment, a holding of hands, a meeting of minds, a sharing of a feeling. It could be through the releasing of inner anger, the decision to forgive, the compassion to give and the willingness to receive. Seek this experience of Oneness with all beings on a cellular level.Be Love. And watch the practice of Bhakti Yoga ...more
Yoga Fundamentals: The Seven Chakras
...the spine. These chakras are connected with a particular color, body location, a central emotional or behavioral issue and with other personal aspects rights, identity, goal and other such issues.Below you will find how these seven chakras can be categorized:Sahasrara - cerebral cortex or top of the ...more
