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What is All The Fuss About Yoga?
...e simply hope for increased health and fitness, or may be seeking relief for a specific physical condition.Others are seeking a way to manage stress. Yoga can also complement medical science and therapy for specific conditions such as depression and anxiety. Yoga has also become known as a good way to pr...more
Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga
...ll notice they flow in harmony with every moral code in existence. The principles of Yama and Niyama are universal laws for mankind.You may have noticed that ten is a common number for moral codes. The Ten Commandments are another example of ethical guidelines. With ten fingers on our two hands, it makes it easy for humans to remember. Hence, we have five Yamas and five Niyam...more
Understanding Yoga and Pranayama a science that has been practiced for thousands of years. Yoga is anything but aerobics, not gymnastic. There are those who think Yoga is nothing else but standing on one's head or sitting somewhere in a Buddha-like posture without moving. Or they believe it is a religion. Yoga is a practical aid, not a religion. A male who practices yoga is call...more
A Discussion of Yoga for Arthritis
...tionally empowering in that, in addition to the benefits of exercise, and reduction of stress, yoga increases self confidence and aids in concentration, often allowing the individual to find unique insight into problems or difficulties at many levels.Yoga is easily learned, allows the practitioner to progress at his or her pace, requires little or no special equip...more
Power Yoga: Great For Core Fitness
...d for the training required for a similar type of fitness discipline. That is something you must consider if you are thinking of trying out power yoga. It is a discipline that requires commitment if you are going to achieve results, and the training involved can actually be quite intense.Yoga is not only about calmness and relaxation. When I speak of power yoga, I’m...more


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