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Have You all Heard of "Chair Yoga"?
...demonstration of yoga in chairs by Liz.Well, if it means more people like my handicapped friend can get into doing 'chair yoga' to stay fit and hence reap the benefits of Yoga, I say this style has got my vote.Moreover, if they go as far as to have an actual instruction course for teaching handicap (aka chair) yoga program to ensure that people l...more
Beautycare Yoga
...ance. The black circles under the eyes vanish and the cheeks become pink. The face is filled with a magnetic attraction.A long shapely neck - A corpulent neck can be given a beautiful shape and all the wrinkles on it shall disappear.Well formed breasts - The breasts are moulded into an attractive shape.A flat, fat free stomach - The extra fat of the stomach gets dissolved. Women who have gained ...more
How to Strengthen the Immune System with Yoga
...was a slightly concerned that my practice might be tricky with a cold brewing.By the time I got to triangle pose (about 20 minutes)... there was no dripping nose whatsoever.I left the class feeling fantastic (as always)... and realised that the cold had totally disappeared. And I haven't had one symp...more
Hot Yoga - Bikram's Twenty Six
...s the woman at the desk was giving me a little orientation information - explaining that the room was heated to about 100 degrees Fahrenheit - I realized that my concept of yoga clothes weren't going to work here. Apparently, I wasn't the first to make this error. Susie told me they had loaners. Now, it's been a while since the last time I wore hot-pants, so when ...more
Hatha Yoga - The Yoga Of Movement known in the West and is very suitable for persons who are physically oriented. One of the nice things about yoga is that there are six main kinds, each suited to a different temperament. In addition to Hatha Yoga, there is Raja Yoga, the yoga of meditation, which is best suited to persons of a contemplative nature, Karma Yoga, the yoga of selfless service, best suited to those who are attu...more


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