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Infertility - Yoga Management
...ourages breathing and meditation.Kripalu Yoga - which helps to increase awareness of the mind, body, and spirit through a series of easy to perform posturesCouples' Yoga - As postures are performed with the help of a partner, it works to bring couples together, improving communication and interconnectivity.Benefits o...more
Yoga - The Perfect New Year's Resolution
... Stop and think about the focus of most resolutions and the various reasons people chose to make them part of their New Year goal setting. An acquaintance recently shared, that a study done in Pittsburgh found that the number one New Year's resolution was to send more time with family, friends and to work on relationships. I have not tried to verify that, but I will admit to being a bit sur...more
Excellent Form of Physical Exercise for the Wheelchair Bound
...e long haul. But wheelchair yoga can help you strengthen your muscles and allow you to feel healthier and fitter. Typically, yoga is an ancient Indian form of meditation, but it has seen dramatic rise in popularity in the United States within the last 10-15 years. Known for its flexibility in style, yoga incorporates breathing techniques with bodily contortions and stretches. Nowadays, wheel...more
Yoga for Pregnant Woman - Journal, Exercise and Position - Control of the Body, Part 1
...iscomforts associated with pregnancy and deliver gracefully and without any fuss. During pregnancy, you can do all exercises except ones that require you to lie on your stomach. But it's best to tread safe. Don't ever start yoga ( or any other exercise regimen), unless you get a green signal from your obgyn. A...more
Understanding The Different Types Of Yoga
...civilization, the mind lords over the body hence raja.Astanga, known as eight limbed yoga and is the eight objectives of raja yoga to become a raja yoga master: "Yama" is the application and observance of being moral. "Niyama" is staying true to your own spirituality. The practice in India is believed to be abiding by religious traditions and festiva...more


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