
Carlos Castaneda Nagual Tian Buddhism Yoga Meditation


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Yoga in Practice: Helping Negative People (Part 1)
...swer: We are obligated to help the less fortunate because it is morally right. This is a universal principle in every religion.Helping the poor, and giving to the poor, will make the wealthy person sleep better at night. If you follow any religion, you will notice that there is a price to be paid in the next life, or in the after life, for gluttony....more
Will Yoga Help You Lose Weight?
...d to experience fairly substantial weight gain over the same period.Since the study was released, a constant barrage of skeptics have pointed out flaws in the research that range from self-reported results to missing many other factors that may lead people to both practice yoga and have reduced weight.As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle, at least based on my own experiences...more
How Yoga Positions For Fertility Can Help Couples Conceive
...rgy in the second chakra. Certain restorative poses are perfect to prepare the body for conception. They can help to soften the abdominal region and remove any tension from the area of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. Reclining poses are used to elongate the abdominal region, allowing more...more
Yoga in Practice: Anger Management - Part 2
...ance be controlled? - Through self-realization - also known as, “Vichara.” This is not meditation, but a realization of “I am.” This is rational or logical thought, but true self-analysis requires time. For mankind to grasp collective sanity is a never- ending battle, but there is another way around this impasse.This is the path of compassion or...more
Learning the Popular Styles of Yoga - Ashtanga, Bikram, and Kundalini
... set series of poses performed in a heated room. The creator of the style, Bikram Choudhury, designated twenty-six poses that constitute the Bikram style. The temperature of the room is ideally set to 105 degrees. By keeping the room at a high temperature, the muscles of the body are more flexible. This is a controversial style because of an intellectual property lawsuit by Choudhur...more


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